Video: x264 (10-bit) 704x476 4:3 crf 17
Audio: Japanese AC3 2.0 384kbit/s
Subtitles: English softsubs (.ass), translation by honobono/AonE
Screen comparison between honobono/AonE hardsub and this re-release. The original honobono/AonE hardsub was a mixture of TV-rips and DVD-rips. In the screen comparison, the first four screens compare against the TV-rips and the last four screens compare the DVD-based episodes.
Video comes from R2J DVDs and is unfiltered. The subtitles were OCRed from the hardsubs.
BlameThank Zalis and TVTropes for some name changes and global translation corrections:
Momomiya Ichigo -> Mew Strawberry* / Attacks: Reborn (not Ribbon) Strawberry Surprise/Check, Strawberbell
Aizawa Minto - > Mew Mint / Attacks: Mintonarrow
Midorikawa Retasu -> Mew Lettuce / Attacks: Lettastanets
Huang Bu-Ling - > Mew Pudding / Attacks: PuddingRings
Fujiwara Zakuro -> Mew Pomegranate* / Attacks: Pomegran' Spear
Villains: Quiche, Pie, Tart (not Kish, Pai, and Tart)
Chimera Animal -> Chimera Anima
* I imagine some of the fanbase may take issue with these names being translated, but it doesn't make sense to translate some of the "Mew " names but not others. Plus, the strawberries and pomegranates are clearly shown in the ED.
This release uses ordered chapters. As much as I don't like them, here they save 4Gb of space. The linked files should be located in the same directory in order to be played back correctly:
NCOP, NCED -> linked to all episodes
Intro1 -> linked to episodes 1-11
Intro2 -> linked to episodes 12-41
Intro3 -> linked to episodes 42-52